10 Day self-study online course

In your own time and in the privacy of your home


About this course

The Power of a Woman is her Pleasure

Know it - Own it

I this course you will be guided step-by-step through a process of connecting with your own sensuality. These are the tools you will continuously be using to stay connected with your sensual power. You will always use them to switch yourself  when you choose to. 

These tools will help you to start accessing more and more of your orgasmic potential.

We are not working with the genitals yet - that comes later, once we know these principals of feeling more!


I am Leán Bakker

Expert on Genital, Full-Body and Energetic Orgasms:

I am the most orgasmic person I know. My work as dancer, choreographer and Voice Movement Therapist has helped me to have a deep understanding of the way in which we connect with our bodies on a physical and emotional level. Through my own journey of healing, I had a massive full-body Kundalini and  vaginal awakening in 2018.  I guide people through the practical, physical steps that will connect them to their own orgasmic potential - in their genitals and  through their whole body.

My Story

by Leán Bakker


Ena Carstens

Dear Lean, deep gratitude for the work you do and what you share with us!! This course has been utterly transformative for me. The exercises helped me become at first more appreciative of my body then more aware of the subtle feelings in my body and most recently I developed a very strong awareness of the energy in my body. So that during lovemaking I am able now to make love energetically to my partner. And wow, THAT is a next-level pleasure!! The energy orgasms that flow through my body feel incredibly healing AND I am able to give them to myself! I can feel "blocks" in my energy centres shift and I can feel exquisite self-love flow deep into my own cells. It continues to expand into new areas each time. Nature has become alive in a new way, my body recognises the life force energy around me, and when I allow myself I can feel it very strongly creating such bliss.


Through this journey, I have become not only multi-orgasmic and filled with life force energy, but I have energetically opened myself up to my true authentic self. I had the privilege of working with Lèan one-on-one (highly recommended!!!), and she has taught me to just embrace my inner feminine no matter in what way she chooses to express herself. This has helped me to flow with life and to embrace its constant fluid nature. This program has taken my inner healing journey to the next level, where I now feel that I can actually embody my higher self. Aaaaaaand…it has helped me to attract a gorgeous divine partner with whom I share a sacred sexual relationship. Thank you Leán for what you have done for me. I am so grateful that your beautiful soul crossed my path

Tossie van Tonder

My learning in this field of conscious sexuality has taken on such an extraordinary path with your work. I felt your personal attention to my experience at the same time as being taught by you as a teacher in this field. This overlap between being witnessed and being taught at the same time feels to me like a new way of learning. And sexuality does require a way of learning that is extraordinary. I felt I could be extremely vulnerable and tender in your presence. I also learned how you displayed your own gentleness while being our teacher. This is unusual and surely may be as exciting to new students as it was for me. Thank you for your attention and interest, and the immense knowledge from your personal experience. I appreciate it tremendously.


My goodness. What an enriching experience. As I shared in our last Zoom meeting, which was such a nice way to connect and stay on track, “The depth of our experience lies within us.” Because that is truly what I discovered. It really is not about external factors. We are so powerful in how we are creating our own experience of things all the time, and it is so exciting to know that you can continue to deepen and enrich your own with yourself. Leán has a lovely way of slowly progressing the content as the weeks go along, and I honestly enjoyed how much of it was simply basic present moment awareness and kinds of meditation. “How much can I feel?” was repeated often and I find it ringing in my own head often now. There is so much to feel! However I know that this is a practice and journey. It will be continual. And it takes effort and intention to put time and energy aside to connect with yourself in even a basic way like noticing your breath. I think the format and layout of the course worked really well, and I feel that it put all the fundamental pillars in place for me to continue to grow from. I would in fact go back and do the course all over again because I think I would uncover even more layers. It was informative, interesting and took up the perfect amount of time (in my opinion). Because doing courses helps me stay accountable to myself with putting aside said time for self care and connection, I will be signing up for another soon!

video testimonial

Shekinah Jacobs

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Sensuality is...

    3. Set your intentions

    1. Breathing - what is my body asking for?

    2. Breathing Meditation - what is my body asking for?

    3. Conclusion

    4. Conclusion

    1. Breathing into my body

    2. Meditation - Breathing into my body

    3. Reflection on breath

    1. Gravity: Sitting meditation

    2. Gravity: Lying down meditation

    3. Reflection on gravity and my body

    1. Four ways of sensing touching

    2. Reflection on touch

    1. Authenticity - What does my body ask for?

    2. Reflection on where my body wants to be touched

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content